Being on the right vibe ... is just a decision  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





It happens i have a lady friend that knows everything about energies.

She uses to tell me all the time what is going on behind what i see in my life and also what is going to happen in the future.

I sometimes try to argue with her ... but the statistical data showed that she was right all the time when she said something.

And she also tells me a lot about my vibe and how can i improve my life into a better way ... just by changing my vibe.

For years i thought that the vibe can’t be changed and there is nothing to do regarding that ... but talking to her so many times about energies i somehow started to understand how everything works.

I finally realized that many times we are dominated by the unconscious thoughts, but exploring and defining them ... we understand that we do everything on automatic pilot ... without having any control at all on our lives.

Changing the vibe ... through meditation, for example, is a simple way of changing our lives, in fact.

If we analyze the case of a person that have the addiction for

alcohol ... you will be amazed seeing that there are persons that don’t drink anything at all the whole day, while being away from home ... but once they come back in the night, being just with the inner self ... trying to run away from that meeting ... the alcohol helps a lot ... or at least this is how they see the situation.

Exploring the whole process ... and defining the meaning and the reason of the addiction ... we easily see what is going on and identify the problem and maybe also the way out from that automatic process.

Seeing that is not feeling good ... in his own company, the alcoholic sees in alcohol a medicine that is helping him survive with those emotions.

But the price paid for this .. what he calls ... medicine ... is huge.

So ... the key?!

Well ... quite simple.

Understanding the meaning of the vibe, the message that is sending to us ... is the first step.

Changing the vibe in this case will automatically happen when the alcoholic will accept the presence of his inner self in his daily life ... and manage this relationship in the proper way.

You hear all the time ... “i am not feeling good today. I am not having the right vibe” ... but a switch can be made just like switching the tv channel.

“Ok ... so i don’t feel well.

I have a negative vibe. But why?!
What is trying to tell me the inner self?!

Ahh ... i see.

I got it.

Ok. Now let me enjoy the day, cause i understood the message while exploring and defining what i see inside of me”.

Those types of analyzes ... will let us see that we can have the control over our vibe ... and the vibe itself can be induced in an automatic way by the unconscious thoughts or feelings ... but understanding what is going on ... it can also be a simple decision to stay on a beautiful frequency.

The help can also come with the affirmations method ... but always keep in mind not to hide the bad vibe, but explore and define it ... so that the new vibe will make sense ... and be irreplaceable.





Download the book ”Exploring ourselves ... we will understand what life is aboutwritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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