Relationships .... have  a huge price to pay. romanian author Adrian Dumitru   And ... if we really want that story ... there is only the option of doing whatever we are asked for.





Relationships were never easy.

Or maybe hundreds of years ago when women were more obedient ... things were little bit different.

But ... it's not the case anymore.

Both men and women ... started to ask lots of things ... while being into a love story.

We ask.

... and ask.

And ... no matter how much we would get ... we never stop asking new and new things from our partners.

But ... the question is ... how much we want to offer back?!

Also ... how much we can negotiate?!

Does it worth it?!

Many .... would say ... yes.

But ... most probably ... the whole world is full with men and women... which are not satisfied of what they get from their



I am one ... of those profiles.

Fortunately ... i have the gut to admit it.

I always want something.

And i was like that in all my past relationships.

Most certainly ... I'll never change.


The funny thing is that i ignore what i am asked for.

I've always done it.

In fact ... i don't even want to negotiate.

It's a true fact.

I only care of what i want.

Totally ignoring ... what i am asked for in return.

I understand ... in relationship we will certainly get things ... but we'll also have to offer something in return.

But .... I don't care.


I simple don't care.

Most probably that is the reason why I've always had serious problems while being in a relationship with a woman.

I've liked the energies of those connections

There were many times when i've even adored that ... but ...


I really don't care .... and don't want to hear that for being into a relationship i need to pay a price.

Into all sorts of abstract ways.


So ... i always end up ruining myself emotionally .... because i couldn't speak openly ... and at least negotiate... what i can


or want to offer.

Somehow ... a nonsense.

But ...


Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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